Sunday, February 18, 2007

This Past Week

I know it has been a while since I posted, but let me tell you about my week. Whew!

As Stephanie posted earlier this week, we got our travel date (2-23-07). Well, we had one little issue to resolve, or maybe two.

Our 7 year old had not yet received her passport. We applied for it months ago. The agency had never sent us a letter stating any issues so we assumed everything was fine. Little to our dismay it wasn't. They needed more info besides her Ohio Certificate of Birth. We spoke with the agency probably 4 -5 times and received different requirements each time. Only one thing to do, face to face.

We made a walk-in appointment for Wednesday the 14th at 8:30. Keep in mind that she did not have a VISA and neither did the rest of us. Oh, did I mention the Vietnam Embassy in Washington D.C. would be closed February 16 - 21 for Tet. AND WE FLY ON 2-23-07. We immediately contacted the best travel agent available, Todd Gallinek, and he proved it.

So, I left for New Orleans Tuesday 2-13 (only a 2 hour delay due to weather).
We had an ice storm in Ohio. This was pretty much the case for most eastern states.

I went to my Passport appointment as scheduled, actually about 15 minutes early. I opened up my daughters folder (this contained every legal paper we had for her; adoption decree, VN passport, Certificate of Citizenship and so on). They were satisfied with only seeing the Certificate of Citizenship. I was out of there at 8:32, that was it, I was told to return at 2:30 to pick up her passport.

In the meanwhile Stephanie was talking to the Vietnam Embassy in Washington D.C. I would now need to get 5 VISA's, before the beginning of the Tet holiday.

I wrote a letter to the Embassy and copied all 5 passports. This had to be received by the end of the day. I am in New Orleans (1 hour time zone difference) and picking up the last passport at 2:30. I faxed the letter, copies of all 5 passports and the VISA applications from New Orleans.

I then flew to DC. The Embassy customer window opens at 9:30. I explained my situation and handed over our VISA applications, passports, expedited fees and "The Letter". The lady at the counter was not sure what would happen, so I waited.

Their were others waiting that were just picking up their VISA's. They had applied earlier this week. I did get a few surprised faces when I explained, I was just applying and expected to take the VISA's with me (the same day). Keep in mind the Embassy's window closes at 12:30.

It happened, I had the VISA's in hand before 11:00 a.m. I was so relieved, I was truly blessed and relieved at the same. My eyes teared up right there in the Embassy.

Obviously, our prayers were heard and answered. We are so thankful for a GOD that takes such good care of us.

We are now ready to go.

The new Dad (again)


Joanne said...

Wow. That is serious bureaucracy!
Congratulations. I probably would have cried before getting the Visas - just because of all the travelling and anxiety. Wow.
Best of luck with your flights!

Rachel said...

Wow! What an ordeal! So glad you were able to resolve all of that. It's a lot of pressure to get ready for a long, overseas trip on such short notice, isn't it?

Cris and Em said...

you guys leave in 2 days!! that is so awesome. i cannot believe what you just went through to get everything together. it is truly amazing, actually nothing short of miraculous, that you have your visas in hand with all that drama!

stollmyheart said...

Not sure if you will read this before you go...But best wishes and safe travels. Can't wait to see the photos of the little one! be sure you keep all of us up to date with the rest of your journey...we'll be thinking and praying for you!

Ange said...

That is far too stressful!! I hope the rest of your journey is much calmer!


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