Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Beter Late Than Never!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I will try and catch you up on all that's happened.

First off we are all doing well. The baby is eating and sleeping very well. She is only fussy when we are changing her diaper or giving her a bath. We are pretty sure that she has never been set into a tub before. She literally cries the entire time we are bathing her. Hopefully this will get better with time.

She is attaching to us very well. Her eyes follow us all over the room if we are walking around. She definately loves laying on Daddy and Mommy's chest to sleep. We couldn't be happier with how well she is bonding with all of us. She absolutely adores her big brothers and sister. When she sees them she gets the biggest smile on her face that you have ever seen.

We picked up her passport and had our 1st embassy appointment. We will have her medical on Thursday and then the final interview early next week.

We are all loving Vietnam! It really has so much to offer. The shopping is amazing! There is something for everyone.

The people here are so sweet and really seem to be genuinely happy that we would want to adopt one of their babies. It is easy to fall in love with this country and the sweet nature of it's people.


jenn said...

The twins HATED it when I gave them a bath. Screamed, kicked, stiffened up, the works...must be that they never immerse them in water. Glad it is going well!

stollmyheart said...

Glad yo uare having such a great time. I've enjoyed following your journey! Can't wait to hear more!

Dianna said...

It's so great to see an update! I'm glad your time in Vietnam is going well. I'm going to want details about that shopping when you get back :)

Anonymous said...

Your page is amazing! :) You guys look extrememly happy !!!! I am glad that everything is going well. The baby is definately Abby's sister if she doesn't like to take a bath!! :) Make sure you tell Abby I said that!! Well if the shopping is so great, it looks like I might make a trip there one of these days, because I love to shop:-D.......Well I can't wait until you guys all get home. Everyone misses all of you guys! You guys are always in my prayers and thoughts! I LOVE YOU GUYS

Colby said...

She will be a great drummer if she keeps on attaching to her almost-fifteen year old brother!


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