Saturday, March 24, 2007


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. I have been battling a cold since coming home from Vietnam and it's getting the better of me. I hope that after a week of rest and lots of tlc that I can finally kick this.

We have been working on Arianna's adoption video for the past 3 days and have finally finished it. We will post it in the next few days. I need to show it to my parents and a few more family members first.

Arianna is doing really well! She adjusted to the time change with no problem at all. Right now she gets up 1 time in the night for a feeding and easily goes right back to sleep. It's been great having Daddy home to help out with those nightly feedings.

She had her 1st Dr. appointment and she gained 2 pounds since we had our SOS medical appt. in Vietnam. The Dr. was very pleased with her developement and how well she was doing. She had to get 4 shots, but she didn't seem to mind those at all. She is such a easy going baby. She has a smile on her face almost constantly.

We are so blessed to have had such a great experience in Vietnam and are seriously considering going back very soon for another adoption.

1 comment:

ypp said...

Arianna is beautiful! I'd love to read all about her in your blogs.


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